What is ABLE’s Content Library—And Why Does It Matter to You?

Tools of an Accounting Firm CRM: Content Library

One of the goals of ABLE, the accounting firm CRM, is helping you position yourself as a valued advisor. The system offers a variety of tools to help users elevate their practice. Today we are going to focus on ABLE’s Content Library.

What is ABLE’s Content Library?

The Content Library is a database of articles covering a variety of topics. Whatever field you serve, you will be able to find relevant content to share with your contacts. ABLE’s team of content curators regularly adds new material to the library. As we aggregate articles for the library, we keep in mind the industries and audiences of our ABLE users.

We make it very easy to share content with your contacts. Each article linked in the Content Library includes a brief summary. Using tags and filters, you can narrow down to a list of relevant articles. Once you pick an article, you can easily share it with your contacts. Craft a quick email, which includes the article summary we have created, and choose which contacts to share it with.

Want to know the best part? While the message that you send will go out to all of the contacts you select, the email will appear to the recipient like a one-to-one message.

Why Does it Matter to You?

One of the keys to becoming a valued accounting advisor is positioning yourself as such in the minds of your contacts. A great method for doing this is regularly sharing relevant content with your contacts. Sharing helpful and apt articles boosts your profile in three ways:

  1. It shows your contacts that you are paying attention to what is important to them.
  2. The personalized attention deepens your relationship with the contact.
  3. It helps you to remain at the top of your contact’s mind. You are relevant and present in their work life.

Here’s what a current ABLE user had to say about the Content Library feature of the accounting firm CRM:

“The beauty of thought leadership is I can send out some sort of information to a large group, but it looks like it’s coming from me individually. Every time I send out a thought leadership, I immediately start getting responses back.” – John Shank, founding member of BMSS Advisors and CPAs.

Ready to Learn More About the Accounting Firm CRM?

When it comes to establishing yourself as a trusted advisor and valued thought leader, ABLE is the best CRM to boost your efforts. Need more convincing? Check out our “Big Ideas of ABLE” series to see how the accounting firm CRM supports CPAs in many areas.

Want a personalized tour of the ABLE system? Schedule a no-obligations demo today to learn about more of ABLE’s tailored accounting CRM features.