Harnessing the Power of DISC Profiles for Accounting Sales Success

As an accounting professional, understanding your client’s needs, preferences and communication styles is critical to building strong relationships and successful sales outcomes. Today, we will explore the significant role of DISC profiles for accounting sales and how they can transform your sales approach when integrated with the power of ABLE CRM.

What is the DISC Profile?

Understanding the DISC profile is the first step to applying DISC profiles in accounting. The DISC profiling system is a widely recognized and utilized behavioral assessment tool which identifies four primary behavioral traits:

  1. Dominance: Individuals high in dominance are assertive, results-oriented and prefer to lead. They thrive on overcoming challenges and making quick decisions.
  2. Influence: Those with high influence scores are enthusiastic, optimistic and enjoy collaborating with others. They prioritize relationships and are generally persuasive and talkative.
  3. Steadiness: People with a high steadiness trait are calm, patient and typically prefer stability and consistency. They are good listeners and team players.
  4. Conscientiousness: Those who score high in conscientiousness are analytical, detail-oriented and place a high value on accuracy. They prefer to think things through before acting and tend to adhere to standards and procedures.

By understanding your client’s DISC profile, you can tailor your communication and sales approach to match their behavioral style, leading to more effective interactions and stronger relationships.

Leveraging DISC Profiles for Accounting Sales

Effective communication and strong relationship management form the bedrock of successful sales. In the world of accounting sales strategies, where the sale often encompasses complex financial services and long-term engagements, understanding your client’s communication style and behavioral tendencies is paramount. After all, you are not merely selling a product; you are selling trust, reliability and expertise. 

Understanding a client’s DISC profile can provide a clear roadmap to more effective communication and relationship building. For instance, a client with a high dominance profile may prefer straight-to-the-point, concise communication, while those with high influence may appreciate a more relational, enthusiastic approach. Similarly, clients high in steadiness may require more reassurance and consistency in communication, and those with high conscientiousness might appreciate thorough, detail-oriented information.

Streamlining Sales With ABLE’s DISC Integration

In ABLE CRM, DISC profiles can be recorded on each client’s contact record. This ensures immediate access to behavioral insights every time you engage with your contacts. Instead of relying on memory or scattered notes, you can directly view your client’s DISC profile right within the CRM, allowing for quick reference and informed communication strategies.

To give you a concrete sense of how this can enhance your sales process, let’s consider a couple of examples:

Suppose you have a new lead with a high influence profile. Knowing they appreciate enthusiasm and relationships, you could tailor your first outreach to highlight the potential for a beneficial partnership and the exciting possibilities of your services.

Alternatively, when dealing with a client with a high steadiness profile, you might schedule regular check-ins to provide reassurances about the progress of their accounting matters, maintaining a consistent and dependable line of communication that suits their preferences.

How to Get Started With DISC Profiles in ABLE

Now that we’ve examined how DISC in accounting is crucial for sales success, let’s dive into how you can effectively implement DISC profiles into your sales strategy with ABLE.

As a new user, you’ll find that incorporating DISC profiles into your workflow is a straightforward process. Each client in your ABLE CRM has a designated section for their DISC profile. The first step is to identify your clients’ DISC profiles, either through professional assessments or through careful observation and communication. Once you’ve identified a client’s DISC profile, you can input this information directly into their contact record within ABLE.

Resources, Guides and Support for DISC Profiling Within ABLE

At ABLE, we aim to make the process of understanding and applying the DISC profile as easy as possible. We’ve developed a range of resources to guide you in this process:

  • Tutorials: Our comprehensive tutorials walk you through the steps of entering DISC profiles into the CRM and how to best utilize this information in your sales strategy.
  • User guides: Detailed user guides provide further insights into the DISC profiling system and offer practical advice on interpreting and applying DISC profiles.
  • Customer support: If you ever find yourself stuck or in need of assistance, our dedicated customer support team is always ready to help. Whether you’re encountering a technical issue or need clarification on a DISC concept, don’t hesitate to reach out.


Understanding your clients’ DISC profiles isn’t just a theoretical exercise—it’s a potent tool with practical implications for your sales strategy. The ability to tailor your communication, anticipate client behavior and build robust relationships based on your knowledge of DISC profiles can have a transformative impact on your sales outcomes.

At ABLE, we’re firm believers in the power of the DISC profile to enhance accounting sales.

If you’re eager to see how DISC profiles work in our CRM, schedule a demo with us today. And for any further assistance or inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated customer support team