CPA firms have long battled the commoditization of their core services. Downloadable software is easily accessible and affordable for consumers to file their own tax returns, and audits are likewise heading down the “plug and play” path.
Couple that major disruption with the talent gap. CPA firms consistently express that talent (acquisition and attrition) is their number one challenge. This is not a new struggle for the CPA profession. The pipeline of qualified candidates at various levels of experience is an issue the profession has navigated for years.
If you want to ensure your insomnia for tonight, visit <>. This interactive website functions based on the data extracted by a 2013 report titled “The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerization?” According to that report, accountants and auditors have a high level of automation risk (94 percent).
Disrupt the Disruption
CPA firms must evolve to deal with these challenges now. In five or ten years, it will be too late.
Gary Boomer, Boomer Consulting, suggests a mindset shift that will help guide your firm to a successful strategy. You can find full details here, but the high-level overview includes a willingness to shift to a culture of looking forward, embracing change, learning, and accountability.
Navigate the Future
What action is your firm taking today to be ready for tomorrow? You need the discipline and accountability to navigate the rocky road ahead.
The profession is rapidly evolving with significant pricing pressure being felt in the “compliance” areas of our practices. You can offer the best services and have the most expertise in your niche areas, but none of that will matter absent a meaningful relationship with your top clients, referrals, and prospects.
ABLE’s features are specifically designed to help you nurture the relationships most important to your business, create synergy among your team members, and move your firm toward sustainable and profitable growth. If you can commit 15-30 minutes a week to tracking your business development activities in ABLE, you will earn client loyalty, discover more opportunities, and close more deals.
Schedule a no-obligation demo to see how ABLE can revolutionize your business development strategy.