Who Is on Your Tiles?: Identifying Your Top Clients

The Pareto Principle suggests that 20 percent of your top clients generate up to 80 percent of your business. By focusing efforts on those relationships, you position your firm to do more business with those clients.

ABLE is built on this principle. When you identify your top client relationships, ABLE supports your business development efforts by ensuring you maintain regular interactions with the goal of promoting your expertise and services. ABLE’s CRoPs Tiles help you foster your most important business relationships.

CRoPs is a unique methodology of business development by which users identify their top 12 Clients, 10 Referral opportunities, and 14 Prospects.

Each Client and Prospect Tile has real estate for three key contacts. These are individuals who are important for moving the client relationship forward.

The health of the Tile improves with each interaction. Identify the status of the your most valued relationships by the colors green (healthy), yellow, and red (needs attention). This easy-to-use functionality allows for an opportunity to quickly assess the condition of a Client or Prospect relationship.

Decisions, Decisions

While ABLE can manage all of a firm’s contacts, it is important to identify the Clients who deserve a Tile. This article from Entrepreneur suggests several ways to detect your top Clients.

We recommend an annual review of your clients from greatest spend down and find where your firm has met 80 percent of its revenue. You likely won’t need to go too far down the list. Clients existing above that line are contenders for your 12 Client tiles.

Can you point to your top Clients in your book of business? Do you want to further develop your relationship with them? Contact us for a demo to see how ABLE can support you.