Graduate to the Next Level in Marketing for CPAs

Learn how the right CRM system for accounting professionals can help you fuel firm growth and achieve success.


Your marketing efforts are key in positioning your accounting firm for sustainable, profitable growth. Unfortunately, many CPAs think of marketing as a one-time effort. However, in order to achieve success, your marketing efforts must be ongoing. This article from magIMPACT discusses a number of marketing basics, including knowing your product and target client, communicating clearly and frequently with your contacts, and delivering on your promises. You should be doing these things regularly in your practice.

Today we want to talk about how a customer relationship management (CRM) system can support your marketing efforts and help you to achieve success. In case you need it, here’s a quick refresher about what a CRM is. Read on to discover how a CRM for CPAs can help further your efforts in each of the basic marketing areas mentioned above!


Know Your Product and Target Client

In-depth knowledge of what you are selling and to whom you are selling it are basic building blocks of a marketing strategy. For more on this, check out our post about finding the ideal client for your accounting firm. Once you have thorough client knowledge in hand, use a CRM for accountants to go above and beyond.

The best CRM for CPAs is one that supports relationship development and management. A CRM can guide you through identifying your most important contact relationships, including clients, prospects, and referral sources. It can remind you to interact with your contacts, strengthening your relationships and making sure no one feels neglected. The tools provided by a CRM for accounting professionals help you to get to know your contacts well. Paying attention to your clients communicates to them that you value your relationship.


Communicate Clearly and Frequently

Everyone knows that communication is important. However, as your contact list grows, it becomes harder and harder to stay on top of your relationships. Read on to learn how a CRM for accounting firms can help streamline this difficult task!

We mentioned that a CRM can remind you to interact with your contacts—but that’s not all it does. A CRM is a centralized location for all of your contact information. Most CRMs interface with your email system in order to make it easy to message one or more of your contacts at a time. Many include tagging systems that making sorting contacts and compiling email lists a snap. Forget the days of keeping your contact records in Excel!

The best CRMs for accountants take it a step further and provide relevant content for you to share with your contacts. Today, many accounting practitioners are seeking to transition from simply crunching numbers to acting as valued business advisors. Imagine how a CRM that offers a catalog of pertinent articles in a wide variety of categories—and makes them easy to share directly with your contacts—could help you position yourself as a thought leader in your field!


Deliver on Your Promises

In the end, none of your marketing efforts will matter if you fail to deliver on your promises. But how do you know if your clients are all happy customers? Let your CRM help.

One particularly helpful CRM tool for practice growth is a client survey system. After performing client service, use your CRM’s built-in survey tool to seek feedback. Discover whether your clients feel that you fully delivered on your promises.


Achieve Success with ABLE

ABLE is a customer relationship management system designed to facilitate marketing for CPAs, accountants, and tax professionals. Accounting Today lauds it as one of the best business development tools. From its CRoPs dashboard to its Content Library to its NPS® Survey system, we built ABLE to help busy accounting professionals proactively manage their relationships and achieve success. Want to learn more? Schedule a demo today!